Re-Establish.  Refresh.  RE-WORK.  Repeat.


If you are sick of starting over, repeating the same diets and cleanses only to end up in the exact same place a few months later THIS program is for you.

Diets don’t work, we know this.  Yet we try them again and again, each time hoping that THIS time and THIS protocol will be the one that “fixes” us. 

We put all our faith into a system designed by someone who has never meant you, doesn't know your schedule or your history; and we allow ourselves to believe in a few weeks we will be brand new, made whole, full of confidence and self love and never need to worry about what we eat again…

We try over and over, maybe find some fleeting success, if we are lucky even learn a few lessons; but still nothing seem to “work”.  We blame ourselves for failing- again.  But what if the problem isn’t you?? What if your approach (the diet!) is the issue…

Why this and why now?

This isn’t a diet.  This isn’t an elimination protocol.  This isn’t a point system, a macro or calorie counting based program.  This is nothing you have done before.

For Seven weeks we will dive into your habits.  We will find what works for YOU.  You will not be shoved into a program or system, we will work together to create YOUR perfect protocol for lasting success. 

But this is so much more then nutrition....

Through years of coaching I have found most everyone knows the “right things to do”. But if we know how to “eat healthy” why do we have such a hard time doing it? Why do we find ourselves fighting the same battles over and over…  Because we are trying to shove ourselves into systems that were not designed for us.

We spend too much time listening to “experts” and not enough time learning to listen to ourselves!

 This time will be different.  YOU will create YOUR program.  Your boundaries and your rules for your situation and your body!

One on One Support

Private Coaching is expensive.  This gives you all the benefits of One on One coaching without the cost.  Starting with an hour long planning call, we will discuss where you are right now, what you have tried in the past, what worked and what didn’t. 

We will establish individual goals; create realistic and achievable goal markers.  Together we will put actionable steps in place to help you get from where you are to where you want to be.  Every three weeks we will have another call, ensuring you stay on track, moving forward, creating something that becomes effortless for you to maintain. 

There will be weekly homework. Tuning into your body, and finding out EXACTLY what you need and want takes work! I will guide you through self-exploration process! 


Weekly Sunday Instagram Lives with the full group, checking in as a team, discussing the upcoming weeks plan and focus. 

In addition you will be part of a private Instagram group where I will post daily updates focusing on ALL THE THINGS!! 




Connection to Self and Your Intuition

Cultivating Gratitude

Setting Intentions

One on one call will be scheduled as soon as you sign up. Group sessions start January 3rd. Seven weeks of focusing on YOU setting you up for lasting success.

I am ready! Sign me up! 

When I say all the things, I mean all the things….

I love coaching.  I love seeing people succeed, make connections, drop bad habits, gain insight… I love seeing women THRIVE.  After coaching over 1000 people through various programs I noticed something… no one ever felt great eating salads for a week. They felt great taking care of themselves!

Establishing LASTING habits the ensure life long happiness in their bodies.

It isn’t WHAT we eat that matters.  It is WHY we eat it!

Nutrition matters, as do habits, routine, environment, relationships with yourself and those around you, how you move, how you sleep, how you FEEL… We will focus on ALL of it. This is not a nutrition only program. You will get to know YOURSELF deeply, discovering exactly what you want and WHO you want to be.

Happiness in the NOW:  if you cannot learn to be happy in the body you are in NOW you will not be happy in the body you get later.  We will work to respect our being, and those tools will help us get to where we aim to be.  In a body we love, care for, and respect. 

Habits: you are not what you do once, you are not what you do a few times or even what you can do for a few weeks.  You are what you repeatedly do. Excellence is a Habit!  We will work to set up healthy habits that will work for your life and stick, while simultaneously dropping all those little habits that are not serving you.

Routine: What does your day look like? What about your week? We will set you up for success by adding in small changes and removing some roadblocks you may not even be aware of.  Working together to create daily and weekly routines to set you up for lifelong success. 

Mindfulness: We spend so much of our life worrying about tomorrow while reliving errors of our past.  I want to help you break that habit, and start living your life in the NOW! Adding in daily mindfulness and meditation exercises that will keep you PRESENT, and help you tune into your bodies needs and wants. 

Self Efficacy: Learn how to execute the behaviors to help you be the person you want to be!

The Motivation Myth: Lack of motivation is not your problem.  Stop beating yourself up over a lie you have been told.  Forget motivation, we will find your GRIT!

Discipline:  See above… motivation will not last.  Discipline will not only get you started, it will keep you going! Discipline sets you free- learn how to craft it and mold it into a superpower.  

Boundaries: Saying YES to things that are really NO’s is draining your willpower and motivation! We will work on creating boundaries that allow you to say YES and mean it while saying YES to yourself first!

Goal Setting:  too often we get caught up in unrealistic goals and give little thought to the steps we need to get us there.  During these 7 weeks we will create actionable items that will get you from A to B.

Creating an Environment to help you succeed: Kitchen organization tips to what your office looks like; everything around you can and will be looked at to make your new lifestyle effortless. 

Grace: Without grace nothing is possible.  We will learn how to give ourselves grace through all things which will allow us to keep showing up!

Every week will have a new focus, and every day will start with a prompt to focus on that will keep us centered, present, and working toward our goals.  Combing a little “woo”, because magic is all around us and it is our job to see it, the tough love I am known for, and personal accountability this will be a program like nothing you have done before.  We will do all the things because our life is full of all the things! Nothing is as simple as “eat this not that”.  We will not focus on what we are removing, rather we will look at all the beautiful things we can ADD IN to make your Health and Wellness effortless.   

Hello and Welcome! If you are here, I think it is safe to assume it is because of your interest in improving your relationship with food. You came to the right place. I am Heather. A working mother, wife, fitness lover (that one still surprises me, if improving your relationship with Exercise is on your list as well, you’re in the right place) self-improvement passionate, and former mess when it came to my nutrition. I spent (wasted) many adult years in a body I was not comfortable in. I was able to lose weight, really good at gaining it all back, and then would suffer through another diet to lose it again….

I found fitness, which helped, but I still struggled behind closed doors. I had it all together, ate “clean” (whatever that is) Monday-Friday, but every weekend was the same struggle, fighting the urge to eat everything, most of the time I lost.

Food was how I dealt with stress. Food diverted me from my problems; it numbed me temporarily to anything I wanted to avoid. 

Food was the ultimate distraction, until it wasn’t.... Wherever you are, I have been there too, and I want to help. At the end of the day, I think we all have the same goal. To feel good in our bodies. No one thing helped, rather lots of things working together did, mainly learning to listen to my own intuition! Learning to tune into what MY body needed to feel good is what finally set me free.  

What would happen if this year you devoted the first SEVEN weeks to loving yourself, treating yourself kindly, and ADDING IN habits that can change your relationship with food, and with yourself! I do not want to help you diet, I want to help you LIVE. Let’s work together to create lasting change. If you are ready to stop dieting and start living I would be honored to help.  

"Start by doing what is necessary; then do what is possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible" Francis of Assisi 

Nitty Gritty:

We will use a Private Instagram Group for daily discussions.  Each week will start with a Sunday Instagram live (time to be determined by what works best for the group).  There we will discuss the upcoming week’s focus, which will be discussed daily in the private Instagram group. (no worries if you can not tune in every week, all calls are recorded)

 Each day will have a post that contains our intention.  There you can ask any questions that pop up, and have them answered in a private and supportive setting.  The group size is limited to ensure that everyone receives personalized attention. 

The program will start with an hour long One on One call, establishing personal goals and creating a plan.  We will follow up with additional One on One calls AND weekly assignments to stay on top of your goals and ensure you are moving forward. 

This program is NOT for someone looking for a quick fix. This is for someone ready to work to learn about herself deeply, honor her needs and start celebrating life, not dieting her way though it. All the benefits of SEVEN weeks of One on One coaching AND the support from a like minded group of ladies. 

If you are sick of dieting, sick of being unhappy in your body, and just want to FEEL GOOD, treat yourself with love and respect this is for you.  I cannot wait to get to know you better and watch you succeed!

Client Testimonials:

"I went into this program with the mindset of getting my "diet" back on track and to make healthier lifestyle choices. What came out of this was so much bigger than that.  I have gained so much insight on MYSELF and who I want to be and what I want to become to be my best self.  I wake up each day with a more positive outlook on life.  My relationships have never been stronger with my husband, kids, family and friends.  I easily see the good in situations where I would only see the negative.  In general, I feel happier, healthier, more at ease; like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders.  It has been a complete shift for me and people around me notice it too.  I could go on and on about this program.  I would do this again in a heartbeat to just improve myself even more.  I can not thank you enough for what you put into this and for helping me get out of my own way".  J D 

Heather has truly helped me becoming a healthier, happier women, who is continuing to learn how to love herself.  Heather has taught me so much about positive self talk, journaling, enjoying the small moments, and giving myself grace. I started this program with heather as a woman who talked badly to herself because of what she ate, who was obsessed with a number on a scale and obsessed with calorie counting. I’m leaving this program with enjoying everything I eat and not letting food dictate my plans or enjoyment, journaling my goals and intentions daily, and digging deep with every moment in my life, good or bad. I can’t thank heather and her knowledge and passion to help women! JS

"Heather's Program was everything I didn't know I needed. It was the push I needed to get back on track in all areas of my life: mind, body, and spirit. The one-on-one calls were so helpful to truly align myself with who I wanted to be AND why I desired those changes. Just as a preview, so many of her tips changed my life ;). 10/10 would recommend and I will be joining again." L.B.

 "Heather is not going to hold your hand (she will tell you this, her words not mine) and tell you you are doing your best. She will push you to challenge your perspective on what is living your best life and why? But most importantly how you are going to get there. I have been able to tune into what my goals/priorities are, and what I need to do to achieve them. I have been more consistent in working towards my goals these last 8weeks related to self care/health/wellness/nutrition than I ever have with silly 30 days challenges whether it be fitness or nutrition. I have shaped my life to something I can be proud of". TC

"Heather’s program has been life changing for me! I have had a complete shift in my attitude when it comes to day to day tasks, dealing with hardships, and yes, food! This is definitely not a quick fix program and no fads or gimmicks here.  If you are willing to put in the work, this program is amazing! Anybody who is feeling “stuck in a rut” like I was, should jump on this program immediately. I could not be happier now, just being" JV

"When I first signed up for the group I was in a dark place with myself and how I viewed and felt about body. Heather helped  get me refocused, and gave me great tools to used not just for the 7 week but for an entire lifetime. The process is not easy  but Heather guided me through it. I have never been more proud of myself for showing up! She is helpful and honest (because lets face sometimes we need to be called out on our own bullshit!)  I would 100 percent recommend this program to anyone wanting to feel better and take better care of themselves" T.G.